Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Reflections on a Difficult Gospel Passage - The Day and Hour Unknown

!: Reflections on a Difficult Gospel Passage - The Day and Hour Unknown

"No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father." Mark 13:32.

The difficulty of this passage for our church fathers and indeed, for many of us still today, lay in what seems to be a divine limitation of Jesus' knowledge. We get a feeling that something is amiss and then the question that almost immediately pops into the mind of readers is, If Jesus is God, how do we account for His lack of omniscience?

As we begin our journey for answers, we note that the short phrase "nor the Son" is found only in Mark; Matthew does not include it (Matt. 24:36). We also recall that Mark's general presentation of Jesus is as the servant and "a servant does not know his master's business." The servant character of Jesus seems to reveal His most typical and true humanness. He "took upon him the form of a servant." Is it possible that when Jesus became man, He limited Himself in order to be made like us? He was not omnipresent when He became man so is it also reasonable to assume that there was a self limitation relative to His all-knowing as well?

Stein believes the text is clear in revealing the fact that Jesus did not know when the Second Coming would take place. He recognized the theological problems associated with this text and confesses that it "may not be possible to know how Jesus could be 'very God of very God' and not know the exact time of his return."

Similar thoughts are shared by Barclay. He asserts that there are things which even Jesus left without questioning in the hand of God and that it would be blasphemous for us to inquire into that which our Lord consented to be ignorant of."

Beach entertains the thought that this saying was added by a Christian hand at some point during the transmission of this apocalypse. He claims that it was probably present in Mark's source. It contrasts with the rest of the apocalypse in which Jesus is presented as attempting to specify the time of His return as much as possible as is recorded in Mark 13:14: "When you see 'the abomination that causes desolation' standing where it does not belong--let the reader understand--then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains.

Good Biblical hermeneutics is difficult, time consuming and mentally fatiguing. It is never an overnight process. Rather, it is a frustrating struggle, which by the way, should be accepted as our own personal sacrifice for God and one that is not taken lightly.


Sink the Bible to the bottom of the ocean, and still man's obligations to God would be unchanged. He would have the same path to tread, only his lamp and his guide would be gone; the same voyage to make, but his chart and compass would be overboard. H. W. Beecher

May God bless us all as we strive toward greater hermeneutical competence.

Reflections on a Difficult Gospel Passage - The Day and Hour Unknown

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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The Inside Passage

!: The Inside Passage

Undulating landscape

My recent trip to Southeast Alaska had me reflecting very strongly. We sailed up what is known as the Inside Passage which was wonderful. Such stunning natural beauty. The landscape filled with rocky outlines of the granite mountains rising from the sea, snow capped peaks, lush green forests, icy blue waters the incredible shades of white and various blue hues of the glaciers. Truly captivating scenery, nature at its best showing us her outer and inner self.

Our bodies

I could not help but liken the undulating landscape to the terrain of our own bodies. The peaks and crevices that shape who we are, the crests and vales that rise and dip all over us. How we have openings and passages that contain, hold, emit, taste, hear and see.

I likened that to our own Inside Passage(s) that have a world of their own working away ceaselessly in order to keep our body in perfect harmony. The automation continuing unabatedly just like what I witnessed in Alaska.

The mixture of the male and female, the folds and the flow of the 'sea' of the body (the skin) with smooth and rough exteriors. Watching a glacier calving was just like the falling away of the placenta during the birthing process. The sweet scent of the air in which natures magic dances just as our scents when activated pervade the atmosphere when up close and personal.

The Self

Then there is the Inside Passage of Self, of Mind. The place where we hold our feelings, sway with our emotions, weave our reality. The place where we fantasize, where we explore the sensations of our body.

The seasons depicted by our sunny disposition, the stormy emotional response, the light hearted playfulness where there is a spring in the step or the falling away and surrender of wanting to retain too firm a grip on an utterance or a feeling.

Feeling good, feeling joy, feeling playful, feeling happy, a recipe for general wellbeing. Intimacy and sexual satisfaction an extremely pleasurable part of life.

The passage of Life has much to offer if we simply choose to be open enough to let it all in.

©copyright 2007 - Marie-Elise Allen

The Inside Passage

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