Thursday, December 22, 2011

American Passages: 1

!: Comparison American Passages: 1 ideas

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With a unique attention to time as the defining nature of history, AMERICAN PASSAGES offers students a view of American history as a complete, compelling narrative. AMERICAN PASSAGES emphasizes the intertwined nature of three key characteristics of time--sequence, simultaneity, and contingency. With clarity and purpose, the authors convey how events grow from other events, people's actions, and broad structural changes (sequence), how apparently disconnected events occurred in close chronological proximity to one another and were situated in larger, shared contexts (simultaneity), and how history suddenly pivoted because of events, personalities, and unexpected outcomes (contingency).

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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

American Passages: A History of the United States, Volume 2: Since 1865, Brief, 4th Edition

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Post Date : Dec 07, 2011 23:27:52 | N/A

AMERICAN PASSAGES places a unique emphasis on time as the defining nature of history--how events lead to other events, actions, changes, and often-unexpected outcomes. The authors offer students a sensible, step-by-step, compelling narrative with balanced coverage of political, economic, social, cultural, military, religious, and intellectual history. Available in the following split options: AMERICAN PASSAGES, BRIEF, Fourth Edition (Chapters 1-30), ISBN: 978-0-495-90921-7; Volume I: To 1877 (Chapters 1-15), ISBN: 978-0-495-91520-1; Volume II: Since 1865 (Chapters 15-30), ISBN: 978-0-495-91521-8.Kindle textbooks are functionally equivalent to the print textbook. In some cases, individual items such as ancillary images or multimedia have been removed for digital delivery due to rights restrictions.

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Saturday, November 26, 2011

The Right of Passage

!: The Right of Passage

The Right of Passage.  by Rev. Anthony Smith

Isaiah 64:6-64:6
In this world today there are many rights of passage from boyhood to manhood, different cultures and different ways. Many are extremely dangerous. For one reason or another these rights of passage became into being and very popular. Most of them come about because of cults and witchcraft. Many of these rights end up with the death of the participant, many with the foreknowledge of the parents.

The right of Passage that I want to speak of today is Sainthood. I have no intention of putting anyone down for their belief's but to enlighten all in the word of God. For it doesn't matter what you believe, what matters is what the Word of God says. Did you ever wonder what or whom a Saint is? The dictionary says a saint is; "A person officially recognized, especially by canonization,[To declare (a deceased person){ The Apostle Paul wasn't talking to dead people when He called them Saints, was He?} to be a saint and entitled to be fully honored as such.

To include in the biblical canon. To include in a literary canon.
To approve as being within canon law.
To treat as sacred; glorify The Bible says to Glorify God, not man.], as being entitled to public veneration and capable of inter-ceding for people on earth. An extremely virtuous person." As I looked at this definition, I thought, "If this is a saint then were all in trouble." Do I really need to be, canonized, officially recognized, an intercessor for people or an extremely virtuous person to be a saint ? And believe it or not I found the answer was NO. I found that anyone can be and are Saints of God. Weather man, recognizes, qualifies, justifies, or puts a good housekeeping seal of approval on it.

I know your going to ask,"Who then is a Saint?" The answer, Everyone who accepts Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour, thats who. Lets look at "A person officially recognized " Officially recognized by who? Man? And if so, where did this authority come from, man or God? If from God then where in scripture is it found? Then if its from man, do they over-step their authority that only comes from God? An intercessor for people? 1Ti 2:5 For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;. Is there another intercessor or mediator, between God and Man except Jesus? If so, again where is His authorization, where does it come from? So what is the right of passage for a Saint? "keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus." Lets read a little.

Saints, saints, saints There are 95 verses in Scripture that declair, who is a Saint by the Standards of God and not man. Mat 27:52 And the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose,Where these people canonized? No, recognised ? Yes by God. Acts 9:13 Then Ananias answered, Lord, I have heard by many of this man, how much evil he hath done to thy saints at Jerusalem: What about these people? Canonized? No. Recognized ? Yes by God. Act 9:32 And it came to pass, as Peter passed throughout all quarters, he came down also to the saints which dwelt at Lydda. Or these? Canonized? No. Recognized ? Yes by God. And what about an extremely virtuous person?, The Apostle Paul never once said, that He was, nor anyone else in Scripture ever call Paul "an extremely virtuous person"

1Ti 1:15 This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief. Acts 26:10 Which thing I also did in Jerusalem: and many of the saints did I shut up in prison, having received authority from the chief priests; and when they were put to death, I gave my voice against them. I thought "an extremely virtuous person" had to be a righteous person? So what does God have to say about our righteousness? Isa 64:6 But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousness are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away.

Rom 7:18 For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh,) dwelleth no good thing: for to will is present with me; but how to perform that which is good I find not.
So then we ask ourselves, Do we worship or pray to Saints? No. The Bible is very, very clear on this matter. Mat 4:10 Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve. Rev 19:10 And I fell at his feet to worship him. And he said unto me, See thou do it not: I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren that have the testimony of Jesus: worship God: for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.

Rev 14:7 Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters. Rom 8:27 And he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, because he maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of God. Eph 1:1 Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God, to the saints which are at Ephesus, and to the faithful in Christ Jesus: Col 1:2 To the saints and faithful brethren in Christ which are at Colosse: Grace be unto you, and peace, from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

Rev 14:12 Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus. I know that there are some who will say," We are just honoring them." Thats OK. but who do we honor according to scripture? In the New Testament the word Honor is mentioned 50 times.1 Peter 2:17 Honor all men. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the king. 2Ti 2:21 If a man therefore purge himself from these, he shall be a vessel unto honor, sanctified, and meet for the master's use, and prepared unto every good work. Rom 13:7 Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honor to whom honor.

1Co 12:23 And those members of the body, which we think to be less honorable, upon these we bestow more abundant honor; and our uncomely parts have more abundant comeliness. Romans 2:10 But glory, honor, and peace, to every man that worketh good, to the Jew first, and also to the Gentile: So what am I actually saying about Saints and men who worship them and pray to them and hold them higher than others? Saints are called, predestinated, Justified and glorified-only by God.

Romans 8:30 Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified. We are all Saints whom believe in the name of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. We need no other justification than our Faith in Him. It doesn't need to be written down in mans books, that will perish away at the end of all things but we are written down in a Book that will never perish and never fade away. The Lambs Book of Life.

So what is our right of Passage from sinner to saint? John 5:24 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life. 1 John 3:14 We know that we have passed from death unto life, because we love the brethren. He that loveth not his brother abideth in death. ars

The Right of Passage

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Saturday, November 19, 2011

Women's Career Change - Mid-Life Passage

!: Women's Career Change - Mid-Life Passage

The different life trajectories experienced by men and women especially around the physical and emotional demands of child rearing, mean that men and women often experience the arrival of mid-life in contrasting ways.

Individuals in their early forties often experience psychological changes including decreased positive self-concept stemming from social and work related changes. Both men and women may engage in "stock taking" which relates their achievements and expressed values to earlier goals, as well as questioning the meaning of life and re-examining personal values.

This reflection may inspire more attentiveness to inner concerns and may initiate a transfer of energy to more satisfying areas of life.

The demand for renewal is often triggered by some expectable motivators such as :
Departure of children Career peak or plateau Outdating of skill set New responsibility for aging parents

The positive personal demands of mid-life include:
Wishing to set one's own milestones Becoming active again in controlling ones future Acceptance of, and adjustment to, growing limits and decreasing energy levels

Sociall research by Neapolitan (1980) found that workers who made radical career changes from high level jobs at mid- life felt that they had drifted into their first occupation or had been pressured by family. They felt that the occupation either never did, or as a result of personal change, no longer expressed their values and beliefs nor did it offer a sufficient outlet or expression of their potential.

A similar study by Riverin-Simard (1990) of mid-life women and men in Montreal suggests that re-evaluating personal values can create a new or revised self-concept. This new self-view may create a mismatch between employment and personal aspirations which had not previously existed.

The positive career demands of mid-life include:
Reappraisal of career commitment and choice Integration of the polarities of one's personality with work Appropriate modification of life structure.
Three potential avenues for change emerge from this re-evaluation:
Renewal of commitment to career
Updating of skills Simple maintenance of skills which "hold on" to the job while effort is invested in developing new aspects of self
Disinvestment from career in favor of relationships or outside interests and activities Wholesale career change.

Many individuals experiment healthily at mid-life with alternative avenues for self-expression in leisure activities or avocations and the easiest career transitions are made by individuals who have knowledge and experience of the new field through having approached it tentatively as an outside interest, a hobby or volunteer position.
When the transition requires extensive retraining, factors which enabled change include:
Lack of financial dependants. Financial support from a partner.

Research cited by Bejian (1995) suggests that:
Women who have made early choices in favor of professional careers experience similar concerns as men at mid-life regarding a desire to reinvest their energy in intimate relationships. Women who had made early career choices based on the needs of intimate relationships voice fears and desires at mid-life related to undeveloped aspects of their selves.

Over all, women who chose to de-emphasize their careers described the transition as less traumatic than those who chose to de-emphasize family in order to pursue new career goals.

Mid-life change poses challenges and opportunities for renewal to both men and women. Historic changes in women's opportunities and expectations have certainly occurred in our lifetimes.... but this last finding suggests that, for those of us currently entering mid-life, our experience and aspirations continue to be somewhat shadowed by the lives and attitudes of the parents who raised us...parents who themselves came to maturity in the climate and attitudes and beliefs about separate male and female roles which characterized the 1940's and 50's.

It seems that the personal demand for self-actualization which arises at mid-life for women still does not sit easily with us.


Bejian, D. V. & Salomone, P. R. (1995). Understanding Midlife Career Renewal: Implications for counseling. Career Development Quarterly, 44 (1), 52-64.

Neapolitan, J. (1980.) Occupational Change in Mid-Career: An exploratory investigation. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 16, 212-225.

Riverin-Simard, D. (1990). Adult vocational trajectory. Career Development Quarterly, 39(2), 129-142.

Women's Career Change - Mid-Life Passage

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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Black Imagination and the Middle Passage (W.E.B. Du Bois Institute)

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This volume of essays examines the forced dispossession caused by the Middle Passage. The book analyzes the texts, religious rites, economic exchanges, dance, and music it elicited, both on the transatlantic journey and on the American continent. The totality of this collection establishes a broad topographical and temporal context for the Passage that extends from the interior of Africa across the Atlantic and to the interior of the Americas, and from the beginning of the Passage to the present day. A collective narrative of itinerant cultural consciousness as represented in histories, myths, and arts, these contributions conceptualize the meaning of the Middle Passage for African American and American history, literature, and life.

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Sunday, November 13, 2011

See Alaska as Never Before: Alaska Inside Passage Cruises

!: See Alaska as Never Before: Alaska Inside Passage Cruises

Between the Alaskan mainland and its islands, lies an intriguing waterway best known as the inside passage. Abundant in wildlife and breathtaking beauty, the inside passage affords visitors an experience that cannot be found anywhere in Alaska or in the world.

From the waterway of the passage, one can look upon some of the most magnificent natural scenery to be found such as coastal rainforests, deep blue fjords and tidewater glaciers. Also to be found in the passage are numerous species of wildlife including humpback whales, sea lions and seabirds.
Because of the awe-inspiring beauty of the passage and since many destinations along the Alaska inside passage are only accessible by plane or boat, inside passage cruises have become one of the most popular tourist attractions of the state.

Few people have visited Alaska without experiencing once in a lifetime moments. Towering tidewater glaciers offer natural beauty that usually is only fully appreciated with an up close and personal view that only a cruise through the inland waterways can afford. From this vantage point you will stand in awe of these mighty glaciers that reach several hundred feet in height and enjoy plentiful wildlife viewing such as humpback whales, orcas, sea lions, mountain goats, brown bears and bald eagles. You will also be stricken speechless by the sheer beauty of the inside passage's botanical gardens, spectacular waterfalls, and the Alaskan sunrise as seen from the cruise ship.

Alaska inside passage cruises are also popular for their exotic port destinations. Some of the most popular ports of call on the inside passage are Juneau, Skagway, Haines, Ketchikan and Victoria. Certain cruises even give passengers the opportunity to land on Annette Island and to be greeted by the Tsimshian elders of Metlakatla.

Best of all, Alaska inside passage cruises are affordable. You can choose from one-day inland glacier cruise packages which are as priced as low as per person to a luxurious six night cruise on a deluxe designer yacht for as little as ,000 per person. Of course there is a wide range of cruise options that fall between these two extremes.

As you can see, there is a little bit of something for everybody aboard one of Alaska's inside passage cruise ships: a change of pace, exquisite scenery, and memories to last a lifetime.

See Alaska as Never Before: Alaska Inside Passage Cruises

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Thursday, November 10, 2011

Natural Kidney Stone Removal

!: Natural Kidney Stone Removal

Kidney stones are formed by the deposits of calcium, oxalate and uric acid present in the impure blood. When stones are formed in the kidney, they don't cause any symptom. The symptoms are seen only when the stone moves to the urethra to the bladder. Stones that are smaller in size will not cause any pain while slightly bigger stones cause heavy pain as the urethra is a very fine passage that passes the urine from the kidney to the bladder. Sometimes these large stones block urethra and you will have severe pain when you have an urge for urination. This is because the stone will block the passage and will not let the urine passing through it.

The natural kidney stone removal involves passing the stones along with the urine to remove the stones from the kidney. Many kidney stone removal treatments exploit this natural removal for removing kidney stones. When the stones are less than five millimeters, they don't cause any pain and they are passed effortlessly to the bladder. But stones that are larger in size cannot be removed easily. The different treatments for stone removal break the big stones in the kidney so that they can be passed easily to the bladder.

When the stones have sharp edges, they create wounds in the urethra and lead to infections leading to severe pain. The stone forming elements provide a favorable environment for the bacteria to grow causing more pain. You have to drink large quantities of water so that the stones are pushed down the urethra to the bladder with a large force. However, for slightly bigger stones, drinking water alone is not sufficient.

Painless natural kidney stone removal methods can now be seen all over the internet. These methods use phosphoric acid for dissolving the stones in the kidney. When the size of the stones is reduced, they can pass through the urethra without causing any pain. Since most stones are formed by calcium deposits, the phosphoric acid will dissolve the crystal and the acidic environment will kill the infection causing bacteria thus reducing the pain.

When you have stones that are slightly larger but cannot be treated with the stone removal methods, you can follow the jump and bump method, where you push the stones from the kidney to the bladder by jumping and bumping. You will have pain when the stones travel inside the urethra. When the stones reach the bladder, the pain will not be felt. Once the stones reach the bladder, they will come out along with the urine in a few hours or days. But the stones will cause pain when they are stuck in the urethra.

There is no scientific proof for these methods but they are found effective when followed by patients having kidney stones. You have to consult your doctor to determine the size of stones in your kidney and he will recommend the appropriate treatments. You have to talk to your doctor before you take any home remedies for natural kidney stone removal.

Natural Kidney Stone Removal

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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Northwest Passages - A Literary Anthology Of The Pacific Northwest From Coyote Tales To Roadside Attractions

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Friday, November 4, 2011

Time to Be a Boy - A Son's Rite of Passage

!: Time to Be a Boy - A Son's Rite of Passage

When we found out, in 2004, that we were having a son I secretly freaked. Not because I didn't want a boy, I just couldn't help but visualize him terrorizing girls, racing cars on the backstreets of Atlanta, or burning down his high school gym. I had virtually convinced myself, before he was much larger than a golfball, that I'd have to send him off to a far away boarding school or juvenile detention center. Fortunately my anxiety waned after Bubba was born and as we celebrate his seventh birthday this weekend I couldn't imagine my life now without him in it.

For a lot of dads the thought of raising boys seem almost unnatural. That unless sports is involved, dads are challenged to find ways of connecting with their son, and with so much of parenting being about nurture and affection many men simply aren't able to give what they never received. Because so many of our fathers missed the parenting gold star with us, we weren't handed the necessary road map giving us proper directions on taking our own sons into manhood. And that isn't necessarily our dad's fault as most of their fathers didn't perform the task any better.

Then adding insult to injury is the contradiction in society about what a man ought to look like. Should the Marlboro Man, that rugged loner who wrangles steers and sits by camp-fires, personify the ideal man? (That same guy so many women are asking "where has he gone to"?) Or should men be like Will Truman (Will and Grace), docile and passive, eager to watch sappy chick flicks and express every plausible emotion that comes into their heads?

Men's locker rooms, the golf course, and biker rallies force each man to ratchet up the inner machismo; where hot chicks, homophobic jokes, and fast cars tend to dominate the conversation. Today's dads know that in these settings being a Pee Wee Herman will ensure your feelings get hurt and may land you an atomic wedgie. But we also understand that once everyone gets off the Isle of Man, being Maximus (Gladiator) might get you condemned for being insensitive, too assertive, overtly macho, and too ambitious. Not surprising, it's this same man who gets the blame for most of the world's ills.

Being faced with this quandary I decided early on to approach fathering my son in stages. The first, his infant and childhood stage, has been to simply protect, nurture, show affection, and keep him from running into traffic. To pour on the kisses, hugs and snuggles even if, at his young age, it felt strange to show that kind of tenderness to a boy; but as he responded and reciprocated it has become as natural as for his sister. This includes telling him how much I love him even if he is less than eager to respond in kind.

So it's been my job for the last seven years to ensure that he knows his place as the apple of my eye and treat him as that child that he has been. However with his seventh birthday comes a turning point in his life, in my view he has shed the clothing of a child and is ready to begin donning the garments that will carry him into adulthood. This birthday weekend will serve as an initiation ritual ushering in the next stage of his life - that of boyhood.

Virtually unheard of in the western world, male initiation rites have been conducted for centuries across civilizations. The most well-known in today's culture, the Bar Mitzvah requires boys of 13 to read from the Torah. From this point, they are officially considered men and are personally responsible for adherence to Jewish law and their own actions. But it was the movie 300 that brought a historical context to the male rite of passage. At the age of seven, a Spartan boy would be yanked from his family to live with other boys in a school called the Agoge until reaching the age of 29. There he would learn all that was needed to be a productive Spartan man and especially a warrior. Records show that the training was brutal and often included murder as a proof of manhood. While our civilized society would view this as despicable, some of today's more primitive cultures continue to practice male initiation rites which aren't recommended for those with weak constitutions.

In the Sambia tribe of New Guinea, boys are removed from female company at around the age of 7 to live only with men in the form of clubhouse until they are married. They are forced to have regular nosebleeds and consume semen which is considered essential to encouraging masculine growth and development.

With the Mardudjara Aborigines in Australia, between 10 and 12 years of age, a boy will have a front tooth knocked out and his septum will be pierced. At this point, they are symbolically dead. After which they are taken into the wilderness by other men, then circumcised and expected to ingest the foreskin without chewing. Then, covered in blood, they are considered reborn as adult males.

Fortunately for Bubba and I his ritual will be conducted in more hospitable surroundings. It will be just him and I, a tent, sleeping bags, hotdogs, marshmallows with chocolate, graham crackers and a new boy's bicycle. Because if self mutilation and drinking bodily fluid is what it takes to be a man, he's on his own

Time to Be a Boy - A Son's Rite of Passage

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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Reflections on a Difficult Gospel Passage - The Day and Hour Unknown

!: Reflections on a Difficult Gospel Passage - The Day and Hour Unknown

"No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father." Mark 13:32.

The difficulty of this passage for our church fathers and indeed, for many of us still today, lay in what seems to be a divine limitation of Jesus' knowledge. We get a feeling that something is amiss and then the question that almost immediately pops into the mind of readers is, If Jesus is God, how do we account for His lack of omniscience?

As we begin our journey for answers, we note that the short phrase "nor the Son" is found only in Mark; Matthew does not include it (Matt. 24:36). We also recall that Mark's general presentation of Jesus is as the servant and "a servant does not know his master's business." The servant character of Jesus seems to reveal His most typical and true humanness. He "took upon him the form of a servant." Is it possible that when Jesus became man, He limited Himself in order to be made like us? He was not omnipresent when He became man so is it also reasonable to assume that there was a self limitation relative to His all-knowing as well?

Stein believes the text is clear in revealing the fact that Jesus did not know when the Second Coming would take place. He recognized the theological problems associated with this text and confesses that it "may not be possible to know how Jesus could be 'very God of very God' and not know the exact time of his return."

Similar thoughts are shared by Barclay. He asserts that there are things which even Jesus left without questioning in the hand of God and that it would be blasphemous for us to inquire into that which our Lord consented to be ignorant of."

Beach entertains the thought that this saying was added by a Christian hand at some point during the transmission of this apocalypse. He claims that it was probably present in Mark's source. It contrasts with the rest of the apocalypse in which Jesus is presented as attempting to specify the time of His return as much as possible as is recorded in Mark 13:14: "When you see 'the abomination that causes desolation' standing where it does not belong--let the reader understand--then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains.

Good Biblical hermeneutics is difficult, time consuming and mentally fatiguing. It is never an overnight process. Rather, it is a frustrating struggle, which by the way, should be accepted as our own personal sacrifice for God and one that is not taken lightly.


Sink the Bible to the bottom of the ocean, and still man's obligations to God would be unchanged. He would have the same path to tread, only his lamp and his guide would be gone; the same voyage to make, but his chart and compass would be overboard. H. W. Beecher

May God bless us all as we strive toward greater hermeneutical competence.

Reflections on a Difficult Gospel Passage - The Day and Hour Unknown

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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The Inside Passage

!: The Inside Passage

Undulating landscape

My recent trip to Southeast Alaska had me reflecting very strongly. We sailed up what is known as the Inside Passage which was wonderful. Such stunning natural beauty. The landscape filled with rocky outlines of the granite mountains rising from the sea, snow capped peaks, lush green forests, icy blue waters the incredible shades of white and various blue hues of the glaciers. Truly captivating scenery, nature at its best showing us her outer and inner self.

Our bodies

I could not help but liken the undulating landscape to the terrain of our own bodies. The peaks and crevices that shape who we are, the crests and vales that rise and dip all over us. How we have openings and passages that contain, hold, emit, taste, hear and see.

I likened that to our own Inside Passage(s) that have a world of their own working away ceaselessly in order to keep our body in perfect harmony. The automation continuing unabatedly just like what I witnessed in Alaska.

The mixture of the male and female, the folds and the flow of the 'sea' of the body (the skin) with smooth and rough exteriors. Watching a glacier calving was just like the falling away of the placenta during the birthing process. The sweet scent of the air in which natures magic dances just as our scents when activated pervade the atmosphere when up close and personal.

The Self

Then there is the Inside Passage of Self, of Mind. The place where we hold our feelings, sway with our emotions, weave our reality. The place where we fantasize, where we explore the sensations of our body.

The seasons depicted by our sunny disposition, the stormy emotional response, the light hearted playfulness where there is a spring in the step or the falling away and surrender of wanting to retain too firm a grip on an utterance or a feeling.

Feeling good, feeling joy, feeling playful, feeling happy, a recipe for general wellbeing. Intimacy and sexual satisfaction an extremely pleasurable part of life.

The passage of Life has much to offer if we simply choose to be open enough to let it all in.

©copyright 2007 - Marie-Elise Allen

The Inside Passage

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Friday, April 22, 2011

Cruise - Alaska and the Inside Passage

So what is it that makes Alaska an experience so spectacular? The glaciers, the colossal body of ice are amazing, and there are huge chunks of ice break off and plunge below freezing in the deep ocean. Under the bird's-eye view is strongly recommended as a splendid view of the endless streams of ice below the soil level can not get to be seen. Of course, to get on the glacier near the cruise ship to see and this is an unforgettableExperience.

Subsequently, the imposing mountain ranges, which are as high as 20,000 feet and are just a few miles from the coast can be, and have a really breathtaking. The mountains of Alaska seem mystical and other land rising impressive heights. They provide a marvelous setting for the already beautiful bays, rivers, islands and fjords. Another big crowd-puller is the abundant wildlife in Alaska is unique in this region: blacks bears, grizzly bears,Kodiak, and even polar bears remarkable. But the odds of running into a polar bear are very slim, if you are traveling on the side of the Arctic Circle, but there is a high probability that they meet in bald eagles and Grizzlies. The majestic bald eagle, in fact, among the many incredible things about Alaska. See how awestruck dive and dive for fish in the depths of the bays and crystal clear rivers of Alaska.


Aquatic life is in the same abundance. SpottingWhales from the decks of ships and the coast is not uncommon. The whale watching is an incredible opportunity, the huge mammals to travel near and what's available in all major ports to see. Orcas, or killer whales and dolphins and the varieties of Pacific salmon (sockeye, pink, chum, king and shock) are found in abundance in Alaska

Cruise - Alaska and the Inside Passage

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A cruise in summer or autumn the best time is expected to see salmon. The rivers and streams filled with salmon as they returnhome waters to lay their eggs so that the package of waterproof them.

But definitely the highlight of the cruise Alaska only the broad spectrum of coastal trip is offered. You can benefit from these activities at any time before or after the trip and during breaks. There is so much to do, from rafting on rivers fed by glaciers, or even dog sled down the ice away. For something cheerful, there are excursions to the Bald Eagle Reserve, trainExcursions to the Yukon Gold Rush country. There are endless possibilities range from those that are easy on your pocket over-price. So, what is yet more reason to take a cruise in Alaska? chosen independently of the cruise will be the experience of a lifetime.

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Monday, April 4, 2011

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Les Lascars Gay - [23] panneau solaire Touche pas à mon - The n'demande qu'à de rire Video Clips. Duration : 8.12 Mins.

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Thursday, March 31, 2011

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The Passages, Second Edition, Student's Books have been thoroughly revised to offer fresh, contemporary content, numerous opportunities for expansion of listening and speaking skills, reading skills development, plus a step-by-step academic writing strand. Vocabulary is now presented in every lesson and focuses on word building, collocations, and phrasal verbs. Communication Reviews every three units inlcude progress checks and additional speaking and listening activities. In the back of the Student's Books is a new Grammar Plus section with additional grammar explanation and practice, and a new learner-focused self-study section, containing academic listening practice and vocabulary building with dictionary skills practice. Also included in each Student's Book is a CD-ROM, containing both the Self-Study Audio from the Student's Book and the entire Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary.

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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Ask for a raise, your career, "Rite of Passage

"The demand for a raise ... will help you more quickly the next phase of your career than any other measure to break."

When was the last time I was asked for a raise? I do not know too many people who have requested an increase. Many have talked about but few have followed through. It is the fear? For the most part. It 's a feeling of self-esteem or lack thereof? Partly. They all deserve to wear? Normally. If you know you deserved it you get it? Yes!


The thought ofAsk for a raise immediately evokes the fear of rejection, compression of the head, seemingly thankless, and even the thoughts, you're not worth it. E 'understandably fear the most, but I remember the fears and negative thoughts. Ask for a raise (or promotion, or more vacation time, etc.) will help break through the next phase of your career faster than any other action. It is not about money, about creating who you are in your eyesBoss.

Ask for a raise, your career, "Rite of Passage

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Nice Design by :Over All Rating Reviews : Great Deal : $9.58Date Created :Mar 30, 2011 15:24:16
At last, this is your story. You'll recognize yourself, your friends, and your loves. You'll see how to use each life crisis as an opportunity for creative change -- to grow to your full potential. Gail Sheehy's brilliant road map of adult life shows the inevitable personality and sexual changes we go through in our 20s, 30s, 40s, and beyond. The Trying 20s -- The safety of home left behind, we begin trying on life's uniforms and possible partners in search of the perfect fit. The Catch 30s -- illusions shaken, it's time to make, break, or deepen life commitments. The Forlorn 40s -- Dangerous years when the dreams of youth demand reassessment, men and women switch characteristics, sexual panic is common, but the greatest opportunity for self-discovery awaits. The Refreshed (or Resigned) 50s -- Best of life for those who let go old roles and find a renewal of purpose.

From the Paperback edition.

The request for a raise, your boss, show that:
1. Value yourself
2. They expect to grow and develop
3. Want to be valued by society
4. Are you ready for what you want to go

A rite of passage, in a leap forward in maturity. Whether you collect when you ask for one, is taking a leap to prove who you are and what you get from yourself. The worst thing is going to happen is your boss will say no and will not be betterfinancially. On the other hand, you could raise your head and will now be forced to recognize the value to society (not likely because, you lose) and your self-esteem, you can not argue with. Suppose you are working hard to prove your work ethic and performance before then you will have everything to gain and little to lose.

In my next article I will discuss how to ask for a raise.

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Friday, March 25, 2011

Life on a sailing boat - Passage Making

Life on a sailing boat is best enjoyed in a comfortable berth even with a good cruising friends.

But sooner or later you might want from point A to point B.


As island-hopping up and down the Windward and Leeward is your step is more along Virgin Gorda, BVI to St. Maarten ... about 95 nautical miles. No problem, let Bitter End (BVI) 3 5:00 watch out the drawbridge opening Simpson Bay Lagoon in St. Maarten.

Life on a sailing boat - Passage Making

!1: Now is the time Passage Order Today!

Nice Design by :Over All Rating Reviews : Great Deal : $23.31Date Created :Mar 26, 2011 03:44:30
Andy Goldsworthy's Passage focuses on the journeys that people, rivers, landscapes, and even stones take through space and time. A cairn made by the renowned sculptor in the Scottish village where he lives reveals the influence that his work close to home has on projects he creates elsewhere. A series involving elm trees, from glowing yellow leaves to dead branches, exemplifies his work's vigorous beauty as well as its association with death and decay. Creations on the beach and in rivers explore the passage of time, while a white chalk path investigates the passing from day into night.

Passage also includes the Garden of Stones, a Holocaust memorial at the Museum of Jewish Heritage in New York, where the artist planted 18 oak trees through holes in hollowed-out, earth-filled boulders. Documenting these and other recent works, this beautiful book is an eloquent testament to Goldsworthy's determination to deepen his understanding of the world around him, and his relationship with it, through his art. AUTHOR BIO: Andy Goldsworthy's work is regularly exhibited in Britain, France, the United States, Japan, and elsewhere. Although commissions take him all over the world, the landscape around his home in Dumfriesshire, Scotland, remains at the heart of his work. Goldsworthy's best-selling books for Abrams include A Collaboration with Nature, Time, Stone, Wall, and Wood. Terry Friedman is an architectural historian and former principal keeper of Leeds City Art Gallery and Henry Moore Centre for the Study of Sculpture in Leeds, England. He curated the first major retrospective of Goldsworthy's work, in 1990.

Twice in eight years of our stay, weincreased from Isla Margarita in St. Croix, about 400 nautical miles. For the first time it took 72 hours next 66 hours. The key is to express patience while waiting for the weather ... a time when we want to go for 24 days in Martinique to St Croix infected. If you put a call in Martinique bad thing.

We would like seas up to 4 to 6 feet and 12 to 18 knots of wind, maybe waiting to cross. This beautiful wide-ranging Don Street has never seen before called. If you wait for the weather, morelikely to have a smooth ride. It can be both peaceful and routine ... we spend all day reading in the cockpit and napped in the night ... tied in the cockpit, the boat .. Only fools go to sleep on the road to ... the person on duty goes splash, no one hears him. Life on a sailing boat means safety first and foremost my partner and I

Our two long passages were very smooth. As the boat in the Caribbean was a different matter. The last leg of our trip was 8 days. Marsh Harbour, Bahamas, Jost Van Dykein the BVI. It 's very difficult to predict the weather for a journey of 8 days. The average 4 days 96 hours poverty, sailing as close as possible with the waves of the wind over the spreader ... no fun at all costs. But what to do ... You deal with it.

The experience of the boat in the Caribbean I was cured of any desire to become a blue water cruiser. It 's a personal thing and some people love him. In fact, we encountered several scouts, who think nothing of a leg of 28 days, inPacific. Margarita in St. Croix has a lot to me thanks.

Life on a sailing boat is a lifestyle only dream of. If you are lucky enough to enjoy this way of life are, remember to be patient if you have a pass and wait for the sea and wind conditions favorable. Why be in a hurry, especially in the Caribbean, no one else will. Enjoy.

Life on a sailing boat - Passage MakingThe Middle Passage Immortal Technique, Hip Hop World Rev Vol 3 Tube. Duration : 8.02 Mins.

Hard Knock TV Nick Huff Barrels Immortal Technique led to the publication of his next album The Middle Passage speak. Immortal says it is deeply to record seven songs on the conceptual. "Terrorism is the wrong answer to right question." Immortal shares his thoughts on the current state of hip hop, taking over as CEO of Viper Records, and not with his pen-Publishing. The interview ends with Tech Talk, as hip-hop is growing worldwide, and we can expectRevolutionary Vol sure to check the third for Part 1 of the interview.

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Monday, March 21, 2011

Performance Médine Soprano - La Colombe

Performance Médine Soprano - La Colombe Tube. Duration : 5.30 Mins.

Titre de l'album emissions Psychanalyse avant album. Le Passage de east Médine enormous.

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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Prince of Wales Annal access to the YouTube Bible

The Prince of Wales Annal access to the YouTube Bible Tube. Duration : 3.07 Mins.

The Prince of Wales shows a way for the YouTube Bible, a project of the King James Bible Trust launched. Visit:

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Saturday, March 12, 2011

Alaska Inside Passage - Ketchikan Port of Call

Ketchikan is the first stop for cruise ships farther north in Alaska's Inside Passage to stop. This is one of the most colorful on the beach, sitting in the heart of the Tongass National Forest. There is also a city with memories of the heritage of the Tlingit, Haida and Tsimshian people filled.

The birthplace of this port is Ketchikan Creek in the heart of downtown. E 'bends and curves coast past Creek Street, a walkway with coloredWooden houses and houses perched on stilts above the water. The town house of the legendary red light district of a bygone era, is very accessible Creek Road from the ship, and recommends, as a place to visit.


For visitors who go to "wing it alone", paper available for free at Ketchikan official tour to the visitor information centers. Even for a small fee you can tour only audio Ketchikan to buy 37 of which sheds light on the walks, and for those whoprefer, you can choose from a variety of shore excursions offered by cruise ship.

Alaska Inside Passage - Ketchikan Port of Call

!1: Now is the time Passage Order Today!

Nice Design by :Over All Rating Reviews : Great Deal : $4.44Date Created :Mar 12, 2011 16:04:33
A tunnel, a light, a door. And beyond it ... the unimaginable.

Dr. Joanna Lander is a psychologist specializing in near-death experiences. She is about to get help from a new doctor with the power to give her the chance to get as close to death as anyone can.

A brilliant young neurologist, Dr. Richard Wright has come up with a way to manufacture the near-death experience using a psychoactive drug. Joanna’s first NDE is as fascinating as she imagined — so astounding that she knows she must go back, if only to find out why that place is so hauntingly familiar.

But each time Joanna goes under, her sense of dread begins to grow, because part of her already knows why the experience is so familiar, and why she has every reason to be afraid.

Yet just when Joanna thinks she understands, she’s in for the biggest surprise of all — ashattering scenario that will keep you feverishly reading until the final climactic page.

The old town is wedged between water and forested mountains, built into steep hills and partly supported by wooden poles, with promenades, wooden stairCases and totem poles scattered throughout. Starting from the city center, follow the numbered signs on two trails to walk in less than 60 minutes, but the extra time to stop and explore the attractions along the route.

MoreSaxman Totem Village from the city, where you can see 32 totems that match the real craftsmen that the rich traditions that continue to give their ancestors and visit the Carver "Shed to see totem pole sculptures.

To the north along the Tongass Highway, a visit to the Park Potlatch and Totem Bight State Park, with 18 totem poles and a clan-house. The poles were carved in the early months of 1938, a copy of indigenous people who work with traditional tools in fragments of old poles hadbuilt by local artists in 1920 was largely rotted away. This has helped save Tlingit and Haida culture forbidden, which until that time. The setting is a traditional fishing camp have. If you're lucky, you can watch on the eagles in the park.

Indigenous peoples have a special connection to animals and figures, and many of their legends. Some of the most famous legends are Raven, a large black bird with magical powers, and Fog Woman and the returnsalmon. The legend says that Raven and two men were fishing at sea when they were suddenly surrounded by a dense fog. From the fog emerged a beautiful woman who took her to his village, where they would be safe. Raven falls in love with women smoke, and live happily Raven is curious. He follows the stream where the woman Fog sees his hat in his hand swirling salmon cedar and many jumps. Even if he tries to fog Woman tell him, as he does, does not revealhis secret, but returns to the fog and Drives into the sea. How can you call them in and tells him that Raven will return salmon to the stream.

Alaska Inside Passage - Ketchikan Port of CallInterview avec Satprem par David Montemurro 2ème PARTIE Video Clips. Duration : 5.25 Mins.

Interview avec Satprem par David Montemurro India 1982 2ème PARTIE I'm sorry for not speaking: Google translation does not sound ... ;) ********** Interview thrilling and moving, which has also completely updated! Satprem, whose real name Bernard Enginger Born in Paris on 30 'October 1923 and died April 9, 2007, a French writer. Student Jesuit college of Amiens, returns. He continued his studies at a high school in Paris, until then integrates a Bachelor PreparatorySchool class is coloniale.Il then a resistance network in the region of Bordeaux. He was arrested by the Gestapo at the age of twenty years in a year and a half in the concentration camp at Mauthausen. E 'was also found in Egypt, then India, the Government of Pondicherry. He met Aurobindo Ghose and Mirra Alfassa (mother). Their message, "the man is a transition" gives meaning to his life. He entered villages and hand in Guyana, where he spent a year in the jungleand then in Brazil and Africa. In 1953, at the age of thirty years, has finally returned to India for a try that the secret passage to the next case Mirra Alfassa "his mother, who was the confidant and the witness for nearly twenty years. Would be that the His companion remained until his death, Sujata Nahar in 1954. On March 3, 1957, it was Mirra Alfassa (mother), died after his name, Satprem ("he who truly loves") Satprem April 9, 2007. his companion Sujata...

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